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Buckkit is a web browser extension designed primarily for Millenials, as they face challenges in managing their ongoing finances. Specifically, we uncovered through dozens of interviews with these consumers that they: 1) Save backwards – they spend what they have to and what they want to now, figuring they will save what they have leftover. 2) Find financial check-ins stressful, as they often find that they don’t have as much, if anything, left to save once they have finished spending for the short term. 3) Encounter the biggest impulse-spend pitfall while shopping online – it’s tempting and easy to click and make a purchase without thinking about longer-term trade-offs. Buckkit helps address these three issues by facilitating savings goals before spending begins and providing a visual indicator of progress versus those goals within users’ web browsers: 1) Users first set up their goals for the money that remains after necessities (i.e. rent, bills) and automatic long-term savings are paid, desi…

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Innovation Studio
Faculty: Lisa K. Solomon
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
zero star rating average


Loop enables customers to understand how much of their personal data is already public. This product encourages customers to reclaim control over their data - either though using their data to make money or by keeping the data to control personal data privacy settings. The product educates how much personal data could be worth when it is aggregated with other members and sold to interested parties.

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Innovation Studio
Faculty: Lisa K. Solomon
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
zero star rating average