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Sustainable Sexual Health

As a group we set out to explore the best ways to apply sustainable design to a big challenge, sex. Sustainability at it’s best provides life enhancing ways and there’s no more apt topic to apply sustainability to than sexual health. Sustainable sexual health is not a phrase in our lexicon and for some justifiable reasons, it’s a highly individualized and the stakes are high. Through our research we focused on condoms as the primary method that men and women use together that prevents pregnancy and STDs. Worldwide there are over 10 billion condoms used annually, and even the most environmentally green person doesn’t purchase with the social impact in mind and disposes of them with hardly a thought of their impact. 70% of the condom market is dominated by one brand, Trojan, but in our tireless review of other offerings we were able to find a glimmer of hope, L. Condoms. This condom met our principles of being sustainably produced (more pure latex which leads to improved biodegradability), sustainably packagi…

Semester: Spring 2015
Course: Sustainability Studio
Faculty: Michael Sammet
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
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