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Petel Design

Petel Design is owned by Julie and Ibrahima Wagne, and has a great story, beautiful products, and an inspiring vision. In the Fulani language of Mauritania, “petel” means “little spark,” and through the sale of beautiful objects and handmade textiles, Petel supports education in Mauritania. Our team’s goal in working with Petel focused on devising strategies that would help grow sales and profits in order to increase the amount of money Petel is able to send to Mauritania to pay for children’s education. By doubling revenue in the next year, Petel could also double the amount they send to Mauritania, and if they could reach $500,000 in revenue in three years, they could not only better fund children’s education, but also have Julie transition to working on Petel full-time and build and run a school in Mauritania. Petel’s growth will help them realize their vision, mission, and have the impact they want to have in Mauritania. Through our collaboration with Petel, our analysis of their business, and the custom…

Semester: Spring 2016
Course: Business Models & Stakeholder
Faculty: Timothy Smith
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:37 PM
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