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Venture Financing Final Presentation and Paper

It takes money to make money. Businesses need varying amounts of funds at different stages and for almost every process. In fact, the flow of funds itself is a process that needs money to maintain. In our study we looked at both sides of the coin -- what entrepreneurs/businesses can do to raise money, and what kind of investments might be valuable for investors to explore. An investor is a person who allocates capital with the expectation of a future financial return. On the flip side, an entrepreneur is an individual who runs a small business and assumes all the risk and reward of a given business venture. An entrepreneur/business looks to the market to raise funds. The market will part with funds only if the risks are offset sufficiently by the potential of the business. Investors leverage their capacity to lend money to satisfy the demand with the intention of collecting returns. While the approach of each varies, the purpose -- making a profit -- doesn’t. We looked at a number of traditional routes ent…

Semester: Spring 2015
Course: Money Strategies
Faculty: Steven Gilman
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
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