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Loop enables customers to understand how much of their personal data is already public. This product encourages customers to reclaim control over their data - either though using their data to make money or by keeping the data to control personal data privacy settings. The product educates how much personal data could be worth when it is aggregated with other members and sold to interested parties.

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Innovation Studio
Faculty: Lisa K. Solomon
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
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Buckkit is a web browser extension designed primarily for Millenials, as they face challenges in managing their ongoing finances. Specifically, we uncovered through dozens of interviews with these consumers that they: 1) Save backwards – they spend what they have to and what they want to now, figuring they will save what they have leftover. 2) Find financial check-ins stressful, as they often find that they don’t have as much, if anything, left to save once they have finished spending for the short term. 3) Encounter the biggest impulse-spend pitfall while shopping online – it’s tempting and easy to click and make a purchase without thinking about longer-term trade-offs. Buckkit helps address these three issues by facilitating savings goals before spending begins and providing a visual indicator of progress versus those goals within users’ web browsers: 1) Users first set up their goals for the money that remains after necessities (i.e. rent, bills) and automatic long-term savings are paid, desi…

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Innovation Studio
Faculty: Lisa K. Solomon
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
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CCA Libraries: Operations Plan

CCA Libraries is a department of the California College of the Arts. CCA Libraries has as its mission to support teaching and learning at the college by assessing, gathering, and preserving information, providing students and faculty with informational and material resources, and facilitating institutional research.</p> Libraries have historically been the center points of institutions of higher learning. The advent of the information age is challenging the traditional role of libraries. The Internet has replaced the library as the go-to source for reference and research. As a result, CCA Libraries' is suffering from a diminishing role. CCA Libraries recognizes both the need and the opportunity to reenvision how it serves the college community. CCA Libraries has the vision of becoming the central hub of campus activity that deepens and enriches faculty and student engagement. This plan proposes two operational initititaves that make strides toward that end and help elevate CCA Libraries' role in the colle…

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Operations & Systems
Faculty: Timothy Smith
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
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Benny Gold - Developing an Operational Plan

Benny Gold is a San Francisco based retail clothing and accessories brand. Over the past decade, the business has grown from a small side project to one of street wear’s more celebrated labels. As a brand, Benny Gold emphasizes the importance of staying true to one’s passions, growing up without growing old, and a DIY work ethic. It is a labor of love and hard work on the part of a close knit group of friends and family. Successful companies understand that building a business is really about three things: creating value through its activities, delivering value to its customers and capturing value for itself in the process. This project focused on the creation of an operations plan to help the business address its short term growth challenges and help streamline its daily operations. More specifically, it provided recommendations for sales and pricing strategies, demand forecasting and technology planning, in order to achieve superior inventory management and wholesale order tracking.

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Operations & Systems
Faculty: Timothy Smith
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
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Broken News

A news delivery mobile platform targeting Milennials through personalized, snackable visual images via gifs. Giffy News will deliver news in a jiffy! A simple, user friendly, personalizable .gif-driven platform that allows the users to consume news through gifs that will cater to Milennials that have short attention spans and favor meme-like products. With the popularity of Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, and Vine, .gifs have skyrocketed to become one of the most popular short video formats among young Milennials. A simple 2-5 second .gif will capture the users attention and allow them to quickly scroll through images to discover breaking, trending, international, local, and proximity based news. Giffy News’ backend will be driven by a proprietary algorithm that aggregates, pulls and organizes .gifs based on real time news pieces. Giffy News will source .gifs from social media, existing news publishers, third party vendors (i.e. Storyful, Giphy, etc.), and internal Giffy News user ecosystem. Through metadata cr…

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Experiences Studio
Faculty: Nathan Shedroff
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
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NewSpace curates community, dialogue and engagement amongst three important, interconnected stakeholders: parents, kids, and educators. Our research and interviews tell us there is a need for this and a lack of innovation in the space. NewSpace aims to change that. NewSpace delivers community, truth, and accomplishment. Community: NewSpace puts community back into the news. We deliver the 21st century version of a family gathering around the screen to engage with the news. Truth: NewSpace is impartial, unbiased and purely focused journalistic integrity. Parents, kids and educators are treated to the facts and have an open platform for discourse, debate and learning. Accomplishment: NewSpace creates an environment of learning for all stakeholders. Parents are engaged with their child’s work, kids are encouraged to participate and debate with friends, and educators are moderating complex topics in carefully constructed ways.

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Experiences Studio
Faculty: Nathan Shedroff
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
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Koti | Morning Toast

Koti is a living portal to where users currently or previously lived, places where they called home. The device delivers relevant content daily to bring the user closer to home. The content can be as simple as the local time, current weather, or in-depth information about what is currently happening at home. To extend beyond audio content, the device also creates a more human connection by facilitating conversations through direct VOIP voice calling, audio message sharing, listening to news together while enjoying some friendly banter, and sharing audio news with friends and family from designated home locations. The network on koti is small and intimate, including only your closest connections. Koti is built on a curated news platform that delivers content from different geographic locations specified by the user. Koti news personnel gather audio clips from podcasts, television, radio, and the internet and deliver it through koti. Koti holds the most relevant content based on important and trending stories …

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Experiences Studio
Faculty: Nathan Shedroff
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
zero star rating average

Digest - International News, tastefully curated

At present, we live in an era where there is a constant competition for our attention. Information overload causes us to unintentionally sacrifice or discount the context in which important information (such as news) is presented, relying upon superior curation instead. In a quest to find and choose more meaningful information, we change our expectations about what is relevant and often ignore the medium altogether. Our research suggests that news, as it is presented and made available today, suffers from two fundamental problems: content fragmentation and human isolation in its consumption. This project explores opportunities surrounding greater immersion and engagement with news content, within a context that specifically addresses these problems as well as key experiential meanings such as community, truth, wonder, and enlightenment. More specifically, we propose the creation of a physical and intentional information delivery space which creates awareness about international news and events through a var…

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Experiences Studio
Faculty: Nathan Shedroff
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
zero star rating average

Lesbian Conception Experience Strategy

Through extensive research, our team discovered that for most lesbians trying to have a baby it is a negative experience, especially for those who want to conceive in the comfort and intimacy of their own homes. Through extensive research and conversations, we identified 4 primary pain points: researching information about options, ordering supplies, tracking ovulation, and conceiving itself. A competitive analysis helped us to understand that current products and services are not meeting their needs and that nothing has been particularly designed for the lesbian at-home conception process. We believe each of the couples we talked to, and everyone, deserves the home conception experience they want and that’s why we created +one. +one provides a unified experience that both designs for and connects each piece of the conception journey. Our project includes 2 ways to track ovulation data so you can triangulate the perfect time to try to conceive, as well as an accompanying app that makes it easy to communicat…

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Experiences Studio
Faculty: Elizabeth Glenewinkel
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
zero star rating average


Swimming is one of the most popular recreational sports in the U.S. It can also be an incredibly difficult sport to learn and become competent at, and crowded, uninspiring public pools can be stressful. Waves turns the traditional swimming experience, that hasn’t changed in decades, on its head. We have designed a state-of-the-art facility that contains 20 proprietary endless pools that provide swimmers with their own, personalized swimming space. We provide Waves swimmers with a WaveBand that is worn while swimming. The WaveBand captures a swimmers biometric data and workout data which is then automatically uploaded into the cloud for viewing at any time. Our endless pools also make use of LED displays in the bottom of each pool to create an interactive environment. Swimmers can view real-time performance data while swimming, or engage in interactive challenges and games with other swimmers while getting their workout done.

Semester: Fall 2014
Course: Experiences Studio
Faculty: Elizabeth Glenewinkel
Status: Live|Last updated:October 25, 2016 4:51 PM
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