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Queering the White Cube: Curating Queer Exhibitions Since 1995

This thesis examines two Bay Area art exhibitions to generate a definition of queer curatorial practice. I look at how queer theory and queer exhibition making have evolved in tandem with one another, and have challenged the programming in art and cultural institutions since the 1990s. The paper first considers In A Different Light, curated by Larry Rinder and Nayland Blake at the Berkeley Art Museum in 1995, as an early example of queer curating in art institutions. It then focuses on the 2019 exhibition Queer California: Untold Stories, curated by Christina Linden at the Oakland Museum of California, analyzing Linden’s curatorial strategies that enact a queer curatorial practice. The investigation of Queer California: Untold Stories includes a particularly in-depth analysis of the Museum of Transgender Hirstory (MOTHA) by artist Chris E. Vargas–an art installation that forms a major component of the exhibition. Grounding the paper’s exhibition and visual analysis are theories from scholars such as José Este…

Type: Thesis
Student: Kelly, Megan
Date: 2024
Status: Live|Last updated:May 24, 2024 4:20 PM
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