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Kwiatkowski_Porous Bodies Changing Worlds Thesis .pdf

Porous Bodies Changing Worlds

Abstract: Since the early twentieth century, artists have been making work about socio-political issues concerning the environment. Focusing on the work of LaToya Ruby Frazier, Candice Lin, Patrick Staff, and Judy Chicago, this paper discusses the complex relationships between bodies and their environments as reflected in these artist's projects. Early Land and Environmental Art has predominantly centered white, cis, able bodies and continues to dominate this movement in contemporary art. Therefore, my aim is to engage with contemporary art projects these artists address specific identities and expand the consideration of the ways we physically change in poisoned lands and are changed by our environments because our bodies’ porosity. Keywords: Environmental Art, Body, Porosity, Indigenous Environmentalism, Pollution, Ecosystem

Type: Thesis
Student: Kwiatkowski, Chloe
Date: 2022
Status: Live|Last updated:May 5, 2023 8:51 AM
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