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William Alschuler_Formate as a Sensitivity Enhancer of Holographic Emulsions_2017.pdf

Formate as a Sensitivity Enhancer of Holographic Emulsions

This paper reports experiments that confirm Belloni (2003) that pre-soaking a silver halide holographic emulsion in a dilute solution of the formate ion (HCO2-) will hypersensitize the emulsion by a factor of 5xs to 10xs, depending on the timing of development post-exposure. The quantum efficiency of the emulsion is effectively 1 in the first case. The extremely fine grain size of the holographic emulsion (Slavich PFG-01) is maintained and holographic image quality is excellent. When combined with a TEA pre-soak the expected TEA color shift is maintained. Appeared in Proceedings volume 10558 SPIE OPTO | 27 january - 1 february 2018. Practical holography xxxii: displays, materials, and applications.

Author(s): William Alschuler
Type: journal article
Publication: Conference Proceedings of SPIE
Status: Live|Last updated:September 19, 2019 10:50 AM
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