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How Can Libraries Improve Wikipedia?

While the relationship between Wikipedia and libraries has been strained due to concerns over the quality of the online encyclopedia, libraries would do best to participate in activities like the annual Art+Feminism edit-a-thon which aims to improve articles and address content biases.

Author(s): Eric Phetteplace
Type: journal article
Publication: Reference & User Services Quarterly
Status: Live|Last updated:March 24, 2016 10:11 AM
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Hardening the Browser: Protecting Patron Privacy on the Internet

As more and more time is spent accessing and producing content online, libraries need to position themselves to offer Internet privacy to patrons as well. This column details how to secure the web browser, from choosing state-of-the-art software to strong default settings to using add-ons to extend the capabilities of the browser.

Author(s): Eric Phetteplace, M Kathleen Kern
Type: journal article
Publication: Reference & User Services Quarterly
Status: Live|Last updated:October 15, 2015 4:15 PM
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