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Alluring Monotony Luminous Grids.pdf

Alluring Monotony + Luminous Grids

The rhythmic repetitions that run through weaving, dance, music, poetry, and prayer are guidelines that can be followed with eyes closed and hands outstretched toward a sensory experience of the sacred. This essay traces the synergies between these somatic practices and the potential of rhythmic entrainment to generate numinous states. As cultural paradigms shift from the disembodied mind to mindful embodiment, weaving and cloth provide models for relational thinking and nonhierarchical structures. The author forwards the notion that the act of weaving sensitizes the body-mind to a perception of the interconnected universe.

Author(s): Deborah Valoma
Type: journal article
Publication: TEXTILE
Status: Live|Last updated:December 1, 2022 7:56 AM
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The Tenacity of Memory: Art in the Aftermath of Atrocity

In this wide-ranging essay, Bernardi explores personal and artistic responses to state violence. Marking the limits of memory in witnessing the past, she argues for a complex understanding of memory as a mode of reclaiming the disappeared, as the foundation for consciousness building, and, when transmuted into material forms, as a means of witnessing. Bernardi conceptualizes artistic creation as fulfilling multiple roles in witnessing, and as an exchange that demands both speech and recognition. An artistic response to atrocity, she writes, demonstrates an important form of listening to testimonials of atrocity; in turn, that demonstration invites both members and observers into rituals of commemoration. Such rituals, she argues, can provide the foundation for rebuilding trust and understanding in communities that have been damaged by state violence.

Author(s): Claudia Bernardi
Type: book chapter
Publication: Witnessing Torture
Status: Live|Last updated:December 3, 2019 1:41 PM
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Lynda Grose_Designing Garments with Evolving Aesthetics in Emergent Systems_2018.pdf

Designing Garments with Evolving Aesthetics in Emergent Systems

…possible with the strategic integration of textile decoration, built up in complexity over time, suc…olving aesthetic have for the role of fashion and textile designers, particularly if multiple designers drive the evolution over a period of time? What are the implications for the relationship between the designer and user in such a service-system? The authors speculate on various business models that would support these design-led approaches, including a sold product-service system, a leased product-service system, lease-to-buy, sold for customization, and informal shared use. The project speculates on factors to make such a system commercially replicable within a post-growth economic system. New language is required in such a systems redesign and the paper makes some propositions in this respect.

Author(s): Lynda Grose, Timo Rissanen, Vibeke Riisberg
Type: book chapter
Publication: Global Fashion Conference
Status: Live|Last updated:September 19, 2019 10:10 AM
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