
Design Strategy (MBA) | Design Division

Spring 2015Venture StudioRobert NeherDSMBA-608-2A
Venture project
Liz Comperchio, Christine Young, Ivan Yip, Johnny Xu
Hypeschool is an multi-media online platform for high school students to discover interests through skill-based learning while crowdfunding for college tuition scholarships.

Hypeschool is an online platform that allows educators to create meaningful, blended experiences for students in and out of the classroom. Blended experiences refer to the integration of online classes into traditional offline settings, such as public high schools.

The three pillars of the platform are Inspiration, Discovery, and Crowdfunding.  

Hypeschool exposes students to a breadth of career paths as told by real people, online skills-based learning and crowdfunded scholarships. Additionally, Hypeschool helps academic advisors to better understand and aid students’ personal interests and aspirations.

Hypeschool’s mission is to empower high school students to make informed decisions about their futures.  

Links to resources
