Letter from Michael Wright to President Ford, Bob Forth and John Streetz : in response to a cartoon relating to Ethnic Studies published in CCAC's "Spectrum"

CCA/C Archives

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Wright, Michael Frank (Author) Faculty - Faculty 1969-early 1980s(?) - Michael Wright was the Director of the Black Studies Institute in the early 70s and then the Director of Ethnic Art Studies
Work type & Measurements
Medium: letter with cartoon stapled to it
A letter to CCAC President Ford in which Michael Wright objects to the CCAC publication Spectrum's representation of Ethnic Studies, and to Spectrum editor Ken David's inclusion of such representations. The letter is accompanied by a clipping of a cartoon, published in Spectrum, that inspired Wright's letter.
Topic: African Americans--Study and teaching
Time period: 1970-1979
Topic: Ethnic Studies Department
Topic: California College of Arts and Crafts
Name: Wright, Michael Frank
Name: Ford, Harry X. (Harry Xavier), 1921-2008
Name: Forth, Robert
Name: Davids, Kenneth, 1937-
Name: Streetz, John
Archives Series & Subseries
Series: I. Administrative Materials
Subseries: 5. Faculty and Staff Files
Oakland Campus — Meyer Library — Archives - Faculty Files — (Folder) Michael Wright
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