A Selection of Works by Poet David Meltzer exhibition documentation, 2015

CCA/C Archives
Meltzer, David (Writer)
Conrad, Lisa (Curator) Staff - Libraries
Exhibit date(s): 2015-11-04
Work type & Measurements
A selection of works by poet David Meltzer curated by Lisa Conrad to coincide with a reading of his work, Friday, September 4, 2015, Writers’ Studio, San Francisco Campus. David Meltzer began his literary career during the Beat heyday and is considered a major figure in the San Francisco / Beat Renaissance. Meltzer's reading at CCA centered on the recent reissue of a special edition of Two-Way Mirror (Oyez 1977). It returned with a new introduction and an ample addendum written almost 40 years later.
CCA/C subject: Works and shows
Related item
Series: CCA Libraries Exhibit Documentation
Archives Series & Subseries
Series: V. Exhibits and the CCA Art Collection
Subseries: 2. Exhibits
San Francisco Campus — Simpson Library
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