Resilience By Design University

Speakers: Amy Chester, Mark Dohnahue, Gordon Douglas, Michael Berkowitz, Maryam Hariri, Klaus Jacob, Eric Klineberg, George Ban Weiss, Kristina Hill, Janette Kim, Brett Milligan, Margie O'Driscoll, Alexander Zwissler, Brian Beveridge, Cynara Lilly, Leo Wallach, Rally Richard Sinkoff, Matthijs Bouw, Marylin Jordan Taylor, Johnathan Massey, Bry Sarte, Cathy Simon
Lecture Series: Architecture Division
Year: 2016
Date: 2016-10-07
Location: SF - Timken Lecture Hall
Permitted release: Share with general public
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  • Owner: Zoe McCloskey
  • Collection: Lecture Series / Speaker Release
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live