CCA CLASSIC: A RETROSPECTIVE exhibition documentation

CCA/C Archives
Esola, Tony (Curator) Staff - Jewelry / Metal Arts (BFA)
Haar, Annemarie (Curator) Staff - Libraries
Exhibit date: 2017
Work type & Measurements
7 trophies; 5 putters; 3 course markers; 2 medals; 1 windbreaker; 1 dollar; photographs
CCA Classic was started in 2011 as a Bridge Event, an initiative started by then-Provost Mark Breitenberg aimed to connect freshmen to their major in fun and engaging ways. Jewelry / Metal Arts faculty and staff came together and decided they wanted to create an interactive game environment that would showcase metal art in a fun way and be inclusive and engaging to all students. The program finally settled on mini-golf after faculty David Cole remembered a mini-golf course from his college days. Tony Esola, Studio Manager, immediately saw the potential and ran with the idea. Tony designed and built a 3-hole mini-golf course that first year. It was held on Halloween, hence all the costumes in the photos, and hot dogs were given out to participants. The following year, in 2012, Tony significantly expanded the course and programming. The course was expanded to 9 holes, with two new features added to each platform. This allowed for a championship tournament to be held, with handmade trophies and prize money awarded. To help foster an increasingly welcoming environment, Tony introduced a snack shack, which also helped offset costs, and a competition for Best Handmade Putter. Each year CCA Classic has grown, with students, faculty, and staff all participating in different ways. Faculty and students donate homemade cookies and cupcakes to sell. Students and staff work the snack shack side-by-side. CCA community members bring their children to play the course. More than any Bridge Event, CCA Classic has taken on a life of its own and become a highlight of the fall semester for the Oakland campus.
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Series: CCA Libraries Exhibit Documentation
Archives Series & Subseries
Series: V. Exhibits and the CCA Art Collection
Subseries: 2. Exhibits
Oakland Campus — Meyer Library
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