Cheese don't tell

Design Strategy (MBA) | Design Division

Fall 2017Experiences StudioElizabeth GlenewinkelDSMBA-606-01
Final project
Camille Brito, Rumaisa Mughal, Andrew Siu, Nayanika Sharma
Cheese don't tell is a pop up store that offers an intimate and curated cheese experience, leveraging users personal relationships with cheese to match them with a fitting selection.

Urban dwellers perceive the retail of cheese as impersonal. They seek intimate and curated ways to experience cheese.

Cheese Don’t Tell focuses on the eternal sensory ritual and pleasure cheese provides. Through cheese confessions, we uncover personal relationships with cheese in order to take visitors on an intimate, witty and supremely cheesy journey. 

Our pop-up incites people to confess to their deepest secrets regarding cheese retail and consumption, to be awarded a penitence to that is customized to them.

Unlike generic grocery stores and overwhelming cheese shops, our offering provides a sensory, intimate, and experimental experience that facilitates indulging in the guilty pleasures of life. 

Links to resources
