LiveE Fall 2018 final assignment: Strategic Foresight Proposal for the City of Berkeley

Design Strategy (MBA) | Design Division

Fall 2018Live ExchangeSusan WorthmanDSMBA-610-03
Final project
Brandon Welch, Andrew Paden, Francesca Alfajora
Strategic Foresight Proposal for the City of Berkeley

Our Strategic Foresight class at California College of the Arts' MBA in Design Strategy (DMBA) program has completed a research study on the impacts and opportunities of CRISPR technology on the University of California, Berkeley community, which is part of your council district.

We propose holding a pro-bono four hour workshop presenting our study findings of plausible scenarios involving CRISPR interest groups holding various agendas of regulation and de-stigmatization. The workshop of scenario storytelling, emerging issues exploration, presentation of a “future artifact”, and training in foresight techniques will occur at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology.

The practice of strategic foresight allows organizations and communities to shape more desirable futures, and has become a required component of strategic planning in organizations such as Shell Corporation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and UAE Ministry of Cabinet Affairs and Future. ​The study leaders are ​Cal alumni that have collective experience in design, bench research, sustainability, and business.

As a recent Cal grad and the newly elected leader of District 7, you are highly qualified to help advocate for consciousness around the potential impacts of and a preferred future for emerging genomic technologies.

Links to resources
