The Cookery

Design Strategy (MBA) | Design Division

Spring 2015Venture StudioRobert NeherDSMBA-608-2A
Venture project
Megan Tremelling, Jacob Guernsey, Juan Correa, George (Reid) Evans
The Cookery is a fun and casual at-home cooking school that gives amateur chefs the skills, tools, and confidence they need to own the kitchen for life. Our tailored cook-rriculum includes innovative multi-media recipes designed to optimize the learning experience and door-to-door ingredient/equipment delivery so you can spend more time cooking, less time stressing.

Our mission is to teach anyone how to cook and become more confident in the kitchen, while encouraging the love of cooking. Our vision is to save the home kitchen from obsolescence, bring people and families together and impart life-lasting skills. Our values are fun, learn by doing, and our favorite mantra: “give a man a MEAL and you feed him for a day; teach a man to COOK and you feed him for a lifetime.”

The Cookery is a fun and casual at-home cooking school that delivers ingredients and equipment right to your door. Building on the momentum of the currently exploding food delivery space, we will — as a baseline — provide the convenience of fresh dinner ingredients without the hassle of grocery shopping. However, what truly distinguishes us is our rich emphasis on cooking education: each meal is part of a program, tailored specifically to one’s skill level and objectives, which is professionally designed to improve culinary skills and develop the confidence every chef needs to own the kitchen for life. 

There is a clear and growing demand for convenient ingredient delivery. There is likewise a strong generational desire to improve one’s cooking skills and, furthermore, a need — bodily, environmental, financial — to encourage at-home cooking. While there are traditional avenues available for improving one’s culinary skills, these options are either too formal/ expensive/ niche (cooking schools like CIA or Cordon Bleu) or too informal/DIY/dispersed (Epicurious, YouTube tutorials, online classes). We want to be somewhere in the middle combining the best of both worlds and believe there is a significant market opportunity available to a company that combines the convenience of ingredient delivery with the enrichment of self-improvement in the kitchen. 

The Cookery will phase its strategy into five parts, all related to the stages of development of the business. 
Stage 1: Build a stronghold within major urban markets, evolving into a household name for a “cooking school at home”.  This involves curating limited packages with reliable delivery.  
Stage 2: Create and deliver a learn to cook program that can be integrated into the training program for both cooking schools and restaurants.  This involves understanding how to complement and not compete against existing educational environments.  
Stage 3: Expand from urban areas into suburban spaces, effectively expanding the total addressable market.  This involves growing the package sets, and solving for new delivery challenges. 
Stage 4: Move the consumer side of the Sous Chef internationally, bringing the value of Sous Chef at home to other countries.  This involves understand local sourcing and taste preferences, and creating new systems around those. 
Stage 5: Move the business side of Sous Chef to corporations and schools based in other countries.  This involves understanding of educational environments in these countries and how best to augment within them. 

Links to resources
