fitsi wants to take you from muffin top to cupcake by fitting fitness into your life! fitsi is a website and mobile app that helps women stop making an excuse to not exercise, and makes exercise an excuse to see friends and have fun. Today’s woman is busy! She wants to exercise more but often other things come first – work, family, LIFE. She too frequently misses out on the many benefits that come from exercise. But, working out regularly with friends is a very effective way to keep fitness a priority. fitsi books fitness dates between friends by arranging the who, what, when and where in just a few simple steps - getting women together and active without the back and forth of texting and email. When she uses fitsi, she knows that someone will always be there waiting for her. How it Works -Fitsi leverages the influence of friends to help women meet their goals in getting and staying on track when it comes to fitness. Fitsi motivates busy women to stop making excuses by leveraging the power of accountability if someone is actually waiting there for you to workout, you’ll show up. Think personal trainer for the price of a cup of coffee. Our target market is women aged 25-44 who are online and exercise from “a little” to “regularly”. In addition to the scheduler, Fitsi includes additional features that will enhance the overall experience. There is, what we are calling, the “gossip” section where members can recommend activities, places for hikes, walks or workouts, recommend businesses, and can include photo’s and stories. Fitsi will also give our members smart recommendations, for example; coupons for businesses, and events in their area.