Team Pets - The Pet Bistro

Design Strategy (MBA) | Design Division

Fall 2016Experiences StudioElizabeth GlenewinkelDSMBA-606-02
Final project
Farzaneh Kia, Chandrima Deuri, Yiping Chen, Phumelele Mthimunye, Alicia Navajas, Chandrima Deuri
Pet store solution focused on helping the dog select his own favorite treats

Problem Statement : “I keep buying different types of treats for my dog trying to find the one that he’s a time consuming process and I end up wasting money and a lot of treats”

Our Pop-up Pet Store Solution we landed on was an experience that focused on the dog and not the pet owner. It was an experience that was designed around 2 puzzle stations that offered healthy organic treats for picky dogs. Our assumption was that through the smell of the treats, the dog will be attracted towards the treat stations and once when he is there, the dog will sniff the treat options and select the treat he prefers by eating eat. This assumption was proved correct through our many micro pilot testing when, while the non picky dogs ate all the treat options provided to them, they would return or search for more of the variety that he preferred and for the picky dogs, they would eat only the treats that they liked and completely ignored the one that they didn’t.

Our concept proved to be right when during the pop up display, it was the favourite store of all the dogs attending the show 

Links to resources


  • Owner: Chandrima Deuri
  • Collaborators: Farzaneh Kia, Phumelele Mthimunye, Chandrima Deuri, Yiping Chen, Alicia Navajas
  • Collection: Design Strategy (MBA) Program
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live