Shiloh "Evan" Adams lecture

Speakers: Shiloh "Evan" Adams, Summer Harim Park, Kathryn Jackson, Zach Ravas
Lecture Series: MFA Program in Writing
Year: 2015
Date: 2015-04-24
Permitted release: Share with general public
Description: Thesis Readings by Students in the MFA Program in Writing Word. World. is the culminating event of the MFA Program in Writing at California College of the Arts that features graduating students reading from their thesis. An evening of poetry, prose, and writings in between, this night is also a community celebration as these students enter a new phase of their writing careers. Featured Writers Evan Adams Summer Park Katie Jackson Zack Ravas
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  • Owner: Esther Sadeli
  • Collection: Lecture Series / Speaker Release
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live