Everything Emoji exhibition documentation, 2016

CCA/C Archives
Conrad, Lisa (Curator) Staff - Libraries
Berry, Angela (Curator assistant) Graduate Student - Photography (BFA), Visual & Critical Studies (MA)
Exhibit date(s): 2016-11-03 - 2016-12-02
Work type & Measurements
Artists' books (books)
The Simpson Library presents Moby Dick, or, The White Whale, a display in conjunction with EMOJICON, a conference put on by Emoji Learn to make connections with the global emoji community and discuss the contemporary usages and implications of this popular form of visual communication. Fred Benenson’s Emoji Dick was created in collaboration with over eight hundred Amazon Mechanical Turk workers. Benenson worked with one Amazon Mechanical Turk to translate an estimated 10,000 sentences from Herman Melville’s iconic American novel. Another set of workers voted to decide on the most popular versions of every sentence in Emoji Dick. In total this book took 3,795,980 seconds to complete. Each worker was paid per translation (five cents) and for their vote (two cents). This project was crowd- sourced by Benenson using Kickstarter in 2009. In conjunction with Emoji Dick, the library presents alternative versions of Moby Dick.
CCA/C subject: Works and shows
Related item
Series: CCA Libraries Exhibit Documentation
Archives Series & Subseries
Series: V. Exhibits and the CCA Art Collection
Subseries: 2. Exhibits
San Francisco Campus — Simpson Library
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