City Hope

Design Strategy (MBA) | Design Division

Spring 2017Business Models & StakeholderTimothy SmithDSMBA-618-02
Final project
Taylor Kikuchi, Priyanka Rao, Yiu Hang Wong, Min Kwak, Yiu Hang Wong
Business Model for City Hope

Within the next 5 years, city hope will increase its revenue to $1M through partnerships that will serve their clients through adult and children's advocacy programs, better volunteer coordination, and financial model.

Cultivate a safe and secure community with healthy relationships that encourage and empower our neighbors in the Tenderloin to harmoniously accomplish their personal goals, breaking the cycle of addiction, incarceration, and isolation in our city.

5 Areas of Improvement:
City Hope Fundraising
Enduring Partnerships and volunteers
Volunteer Coordination
Adult advocacy
Children's Advocacy

3 Business Models:
Key Activities Model
Key Partners Model
Revenue Stream Model (Recommended)

5 Big Steps:
Hire Development Manager
Organize and Train Volunteers to Raise Donations
Implement Donor Acquisition Plan
Implement Donor Engagement Plan
Implement Donor Retention Plan

Development Role
Development Plan
Intern and Development Schedule
Intern Roles
Partners Lists

Links to resources
