Aurora - Measuring the journey to recovery

Design Strategy (MBA) | Design Division

Spring 2016Venture StudioJohn SteinbergDSMBA-608-02
Venture project
Kathleen Watson, Maria Remedios, Lexy Guo
Aurora provides a digital infrastructure to help the addict and their drug treatment providers track progress toward living in recovery.

23 million people in the US are addicted to drugs and alcohol, but only 10% receive treatment of some kind. Organizations providing drug treatment programs do not realize their full potential to help those in need due to inefficient low-tech processes and fractured communication systems. 

Aurora provides an online platform to facilitate the cohesion and success of drug and alcohol abuse programs to digital natives struggling with substance abuse disorder. The process of drug treatment and recovery involves a number of stakeholders and entities that get involved in rehabilitation and recovery either directly or indirectly.

This service is the “quantified self” for drug rehabilitation. Aurora is a two-sided network market involving a multi-sided digital platform that creates value by enabling direct interactions between the addict and the organizations interested in the assisting in the recovery process of the addict.

App user side: Our first release product is a mobile app that is loosely based on the various 12- step recovery groups. (Note future expansion of Aurora services may accommodate other forms of drug treatment plans, not just 12-step recovery.)
•	Onboarding to mobile monitoring service
•	Find a meeting
•	Meeting/residence check-in feature 
•	Find a rideshare to a meeting
•	Get a temporary sponsor 
•	Curate a social network of trusted contacts
•	Gamification features the tallies up sobriety and continuous attendance meetings.

Sober living environment, Rehab, court case managers, mental health providers:
•	Digitize the onboarding of resident
•	Monitor resident’s AA meeting attendance (scheduled, check-ins when & where)
•	Monitor resident’s SLE, Rehab attendance
•	Monitor resident’s check-in/out of SLE, Rehab
•	Monitor compliance with prescribed medication
•	Monitor sponsor & frequency of contact
•	Track weekly Exit Plan

Links to resources
