
Design Strategy (MBA) | Design Division

Fall 2014Experiences StudioElizabeth GlenewinkelDSMBA-606-2A
Final project
Justin Brown, Reid Evans, David Korstand, Johnny Xu
A reinvented, personalized, interactive swimming experience.

Swimming is one of the most popular recreational sports in the U.S. It can also be an incredibly difficult sport to learn and become competent at, and crowded, uninspiring public pools can be stressful.

Waves turns the traditional swimming experience, that hasn’t changed in decades, on its head. We have designed a state-of-the-art facility that contains 20 proprietary endless pools that provide swimmers with their own, personalized swimming space. 

We provide Waves swimmers with a WaveBand that is worn while swimming. The WaveBand captures a swimmers biometric data and workout data which is then automatically uploaded into the cloud for viewing at any time. 

Our endless pools also make use of LED displays in the bottom of each pool to create an interactive environment. Swimmers can view real-time performance data while swimming, or engage in interactive challenges and games with other swimmers while getting their workout done.

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