Design Strategy (MBA) | Design Division

Spring 2015Venture StudioRobert NeherDSMBA-608-2A
Venture project
Hailey Harmon, Rosario Estay, Ashley Wells
Finding meaningful gifts for the ones you love

GIFTD is a service that tailors great gift ideas to take the stress, pressure, wasted time and energy out of the gift ideation and finding process.

GIFTD “finding meaningful gifts for the ones you love”

GIFTD is an online platform and personalized service.  The online platform acts as the customer’s first touch point, where they enter information about the type of gift they are looking for, who it is for, and a few key questions to lay the groundwork for our service.  The customer is then contacted by one of our GIFTD experts, via phone call, real-time online chat, or email, whichever is the most convenient.  This is where the GIFTD expert gains unique insights from anecdotes and a personal conversation, to better inform and curate a selection of gifts that truly match what the customer is looking for.  After the efficient and insightful chat, the GIFTD expert gets to work.  Working from a bank of quality products and stores, the insights gained from the customer are used to find great gift ideas.  The personalized service continues, with a brief description of 5 gift ideas, why they would be a good fit, the cost, and where or how to purchase them.  

The gift giving industry in the US alone is a $298 billion market. Gift cards account for $90 billion of this market.  Capturing only a fraction of a percent of this market amounts to revenues of $28 million. We are projecting our revenue generation on capturing money that consumers are already spending on gifts.   

Links to resources
