Lesbian Conception Experience Strategy

Design Strategy (MBA) | Design Division

Fall 2014Experiences StudioElizabeth GlenewinkelDSMBA-606-2A
Final project
Joanna Dillon, Naomi Kieser, Elizabeth Thaplliyal, Jedda Foreman
Our project developed a research-based, integrated set of resources, called +one, to help lesbians have the at-home conception experience they want.

Through extensive research, our team discovered that for most lesbians trying to have a baby it is a negative experience, especially for those who want to conceive in the comfort and intimacy of their own homes. Through extensive research and conversations, we identified 4 primary pain points: researching information about options, ordering supplies, tracking ovulation, and conceiving itself. A competitive analysis helped us to understand that current products and services are not meeting their needs and that nothing has been particularly designed for the lesbian at-home conception process.

We believe each of the couples we talked to, and everyone, deserves the home conception experience they want and that’s why we created +one. +one provides a unified experience that both designs for and connects each piece of the conception journey.

Our project includes 2 ways to track ovulation data so you can triangulate the perfect time to try to conceive, as well as an accompanying app that makes it easy to communicate with the people who need to know. We also designed tools for the night of conception to respond directly to the pain points our research uncovered: from making the syringe more comfortable and the cup to collect sperm more easy to use, to a convenient way to deliver the cup from the donor to the couple. Finally, our website has all the information a couple would need to learn about the process, like legal advice and a community forum, as well as an easy and simple way to order the kit components that are right for them.

Throughout the course of this project we’ve come to understand what is at stake here: how people create families is a core part of their identity. For lesbian couples that experience should be just as warm and just as intimate as the experience that straight couples have all the time. With + one we to seek to do just that.

Links to resources
