Reimagining the Future of East Palo Alto

Design Strategy (MBA) | Design Division

Fall 2018Live ExchangeSusan WorthmanDSMBA-610-03
Final project
Sarah Grimm
This is a proposal for a half-day foresight workshop that would be submitted to the East Palo Alto City Council.

What does East Palo Alto (EPA) look and feel like in 2033? How is EPA shaping that very future
with its decisions today? Like many cities in the region, EPA currently faces major challenges that
will evolve significantly in the next 15 years. EPA’s situation is unique in that it has historically
been heralded “An Island of Affordability in a Sea of Wealth”1 and one of its founding myths is
around protecting vulnerable populations.2 Further, EPA has seen serious citywide violence
followed by an astounding recovery in its short history as an incorporated city. Due to changes in
costs of living and displacement associated with economic development, it stands to lose this
foundational character as a social-justice-oriented, multi-cultural community.

How can EPA work towards a future in which social justice and economic development are
mutually beneficial? How can EPA preserve its character as an affordable, diverse community in
which its citizens are engaged? Strategic Foresight offers a systems-level methodology to answer
these and any other questions the City Council sees fit. This proposal is for a half-day workshop
that would enable the EPA City Council and community to engage with foresight tools through
three distinct activities.

First, participants will brainstorm a wide variety of possible futures using the Systems Mythology
method of scenario planning, which the Institute for the Future formulated. This method
combines systems thinking and mythology to guide an imaginative consideration of the future. It
gives four colored frameworks that denote distinct contexts within which to envision the future.3
Next, the group will decide on a preferred future and write a story to indicate what 2033 feels
like within the collectively chosen scenario. The final activity is a process to design a tactical
system map that might propel EPA toward that preferred future.

Links to resources
