Micropilot Vision: The Giving Forest is a toy experience designed for children that allows them to donate a toy that has been outgrown. It is designed to be simple-to-navigate and engages children in a giving experience, with a store assistant to guide them towards receiving a memento of their visit afterwards. Positioning Statement: For parents and children who have too many toys, The Giving Forest is a toy donation space that teaches children about generosity. Unlike the overwhelming and over-stimulating toy stores of today, The Giving Forest is the antidote to consumerism: a simple and focused experience that rewards children for being generous and helps parents create a culture of giving at home. Results + Next Steps: The experience surprised & delighted, and revealed a bigger opportunity with the potential to take “giving” into other contexts. Further testing & validation will surround the toy donation moment, the pre-donation experience (how can parents talk to children about choosing the toy to donate), location testing (schools, retail centers, community centers, farmers markets) and partnerships (local businesses and charities). Our call to action: Help us teach kids about the importance of giving!