The anticipation and excitement of expecting a child have increasingly been diminished by the stress of finding accessible, quality childcare. With no uniform situation or system, navigating childcare has become overwhelming and stressful for parents & guardians. Options vary from family, friends, nannies, in-home daycare & centers. There is no single platform to aid families. We are Flutter, an aggregate marketplace that balances a family’s constraints (time, money, & location) with all their available childcare options. Through flexible schedule building Flutter allows parents and guardians to have all their childcare options in one organized place.
Dough is a digital platform that introduces Millennials to the stock market by connecting them to activities and experiences they desire while enabling them to match an additional percentage of current purchases into an investment account. Dough members are encouraged to think about earning more rather than spending less. They earn more through investing in a blend of exchange traded funds (ETFs) that match their risk aversion. They visualize compound interest and the opportunity cost of keeping their savings in the bank. An investing platform with an experiential focus, Dough emphasizes action over education by aligning spontaneous purchases with regular additions to fund the future.
Our solution is an add-on kit that will have the capability to generate and store energy from renewable sources, provide wifi and electric outlets to residents, and increase community engagement. We plan to lease the streetlights from their owner and customize it based of the needs of their respective community. Each city light with the add-on kits will be equipped with EV charging stations, have capability to generate and store energy from renewable sources, provide wifi and electric outlets to residents, and increase community engagement. Our model of revenue will be through user memberships, pay per use charges, advertising, and selling the excess energy to the city. StreetLight kit of parts are the add-on to existing street lights. It gives flexibility for the owners to select specific streetlight to be leased. By providing multiple options of packages, the model promises scalability, it could fit into any cities in any geographic areas. We also use sustainably sourced or recycled materials for all our …
As cities strive to for an all-encompassing urban wellbeing, what role do inhabitants, visionaries and governments play in guiding us to find the intersection between sustainable environment, cultural lifestyle, and community? It’s always a challenge to bring a diverse group of people together to come to an agreement. The Living City Experiment addresses these complex issues by opening communication to create a greater understanding of the how decision makers, visionaries, and residents are currently interacting within cities. Our Objective: The Living City Experiment was created to provide a city's decision makers (ie. government leaders, legislators) and visionaries (ie. architects, urban planners) a framework to build a human centered city in order to bridge the divide between liveability and sustainability. It delivers enlightenment, community, duty and harmony to help better understand cities and its inhabitants’ (decision takers) needs. We imagine engaging cities that bring people together for conv…
Palace Market is a small family owned business located in Point Reyes, CA. The original store owner, Mary, and her daughter Camille, tasked our team with finding a way to adapt to their continued growth that has resulted from an increase in tourism in the area. However, they wanted to stay true to the unique and special vision Mary’s mother, Dorothy, had for Palace Market. She had a love for both the people and community. As a result, they hoped to gain a better understanding of what customers value, want, and need in order to better serve them. In addition, sustainability was something they were interested in incorporating into their product choices and operations. Our recommended business model addresses both the community’s desires and values, while taking into account the preservation of the land and natural setting of Point Reyes. Since there is an existing dichotomy between the local residents and tourists, it was important to take into account the desire to keep the small-town feel, but also help bui…
Stor is a smart storage system designed to keep groceries fresh and secure. Its modular design allows for expansion and customization, depending on the needs of the space. All of the compartments are independently temperature-regulated, and temperature control can be shut off for packages that don’t need refrigeration. Stor’s smart compartments can sense the size of the package, when it was delivered and if/when it was removed. All compartment doors are self-locking. Stor’s mission is to improve access to affordable healthy food by creating secure and convenient spaces to store and access fresh produce and groceries. Stor is dedicated to removing the barriers to affordable, healthy food offerings and is committed to supporting food-insecure neighborhoods and families through partnerships with food and nutrition organizations.
EarthPact seeks to engage people in learning about their environmental footprint and prompt them to change their ways to reduce their ecological footprint. There are 5 physical, educational, and interactive exhibits, one for each topic area of the ecological footprint: food, shelter, mobility, goods, and services. EarthPact SF’s exhibits are located in Justin Herman Plaza in San Francisco, California and the exhibits also serve to activate the plaza, which is currently a ghost space most of the time. In addition to the series of exhibits, there’s an EarthPact app that people log into to track their footprint scores at each of the 5 stations. Each exhibit ties in a pledge to get participants to commit to change their behavior. The app allows people to complete the exhibits in one or multiple visits, track changes over time, receive reminders about their commitment to change, receive tips on how to lead a more sustainable lifestyle, and serve as a way to track metrics and see the collective impact of people’s …
After studying the sustainable Urban Metabolism model and methodology, we decided to create a product that provides one example of how business can make shifts towards being self-reliant within urban cities and avoid traditional practices of using viable resources such as fresh water. We developed a rainwater collection and filtration process that harvests enough useable water for the hydroponic hops we grow, harvest and produce into beer within our facility along with allocating enough collected rainwater for the beer production process itself with the goal of zero fresh water use.
Fresh Lit aims to create the first co-op connecting families with small independent publishers and content creators under a shared value for high quality, culturally inclusive children’s stories. Using a sourcing and certification process, Fresh Lit hand-selects and delivers quarterly children’s book boxes that reflect the lives of each family while providing a rich understanding of our global community. This venture seeks to create a future in which every child is validated for who they uniquely are while supporting the creation of media that centers the experiences of historically underrepresented people through respectful and empowering narratives.
Jasmine Rae cakes have been in business for 11 years and have established a solid place upon the top wedding cake bakeries in the San Francisco Bay area. The reputation and brand identity have been created by the owner Jasmine De Lung, and the business has grown to its current level through the amazing and beautiful designs as well as a great reputation for taste and service through word of mouth supporters and patrons. While the business is profitable, there are some concerns in regards to consistency and growth potential over and above the current revenue. The key areas that Jasmine is concerned about are her Key Resources which are specifically identified in the subsets of employees (staff) as well as her own time that she devotes to the operations of the business. While Jasmine has created an amazing brand, she has done it at the expense of her own time. She has carried the weight of all the business responsibilities upon her shoulders and as such the business has reached a place where it needs suppo…