Dimension of Fiber exhibition catalog

CCA/C Archives

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Kasten, Barbara J. (1936-) - Curator Alumnus - Fine Arts (MFA) - MFA, Textiles 1970 - Kasten studied under Trude Guermonprez
Date range: March 4, 1971 - March 29, 1971
Work type & Measurements
1 catalog; 5.5 x 8.5 in.
Dimension of Fiber exhibition catalog. Curated by alum Barbara Kasten, who received a Fulbright in 1971 to travel to Poznań, Poland, to work with noted sculptor Magdalena Abakanowicz.
Geographic: CCAC Gallery
Time period: 1970-1979
Topic: Fiber art
Name: Kasten, Barbara
Name: Zeisler, Claire
Name: Sekimachi, Kay, 1926-
Name: Jacobi, Peter, 1935-
Name: Jacobi, Ritzi, 1941-
Related item
Referenced by: Dimension of Fiber exhibition postcard
Location: https://vault.cca.edu/items/7cac6273-c0f9-4ff6-9745-088f6bd0b518/1/
Archives Series & Subseries
Series: III. College Life
Subseries: 3. Events
Oakland Campus — FArchives — Archives — Shelf: 3.C.II Box: Events 20s-80s
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