California College of Arts and Crafts, Vol.70 No.2 Winter 1975/76

CCA/C Archives
California College of Arts and Crafts
Date created: 1975
Work type & Measurements
Publicationserials (publications)
2 pages (excerpt) ; 8 x 11 in.
Medium: Published by California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland
Excerpt from California College of Arts and Crafts, Vol.70 No.2 Winter 1975/76
Table of Contents
Visiting Artists and Speakers - "CCAC": The new name and its newest look - De Anza Historical Plaque - Exhibits by New Instructors - Independent Colleges: Educational Diversity - NEWS NOTES by Evelyn Stewart Johnson '43 Alumni Executive Secretary - Trustees, Faculty, Staff
California College of Arts and Crafts
Pub location: Oakland, Calif.
Time period: 1970-1979
Geographic: Oakland, Calif.
Name: Sekimachi, Kay, 1926-
Name: DeFeo, Jay, 1929-1989
Name: Critchfield, Harry
Name: Davids, Betsy
Name: Petrillo, James, 1943-
Name: Dickinson, Eleanor, 1931-
Name: Foosaner, Judith, 1940-
Name: Forrester, Patricia Tobacco, 1940-2011
Name: Frey, Viola, 1933-2004
Name: Gill, Charles, 1933-
Name: Roos, Sandra
Name: Hocking, Philip, 1942-
Name: Kriz, Vilem, 1921-1994
Name: McClure, Michael
Name: Mendenhall, Jack, 1937-
Name: Okamura, Arthur, 1932-2009
Name: Perez, Vincent, 1938-
Name: Shoemaker, Peter, 1920-1998
Name: Snowden, Mary, 1940-
Name: Breschi, Karen Lee
Name: Walsh, Patricia
CCA/C subject: College activities
Archives Series & Subseries
Series: VIII. Periodicals and Other Publications
Subseries: 1. College
Oakland Campus — Meyer Library — Archives — (Box) Series VIII. Periodicals and Other Publications - CCAC
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