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Bookworks: Reinventing The Block exhibition documentation, 2015

This is an introductory printmaking/bookmaking class with no prerequisites, open to students of all levels and majors. the book form can intergrate a wide range of media and materials, bringing together image and text, structure and sequence in one moveable, touchable object. Through a series of projects incorporating each artist's interesrests and chosen media we will work inventively with a variety of traditional and experminemntal book forms We will refine our skills as we investigate topics such as: the uses of words and images, conceptual layering, the improtance of memory, the connections between form and content, and the influence of time and change. The beauty of an edition is that it can be shared like a zine and distrubuted more easily to more people. Time is spent on designing one, then printing up and binding many. The goal was to design a book in an edition of 20 copies that could be reproduced easily. The content was open, but the books had to incorporate two lines of letterpress printing and…

Creator(s): Golden, Alisa
CCA/C subject: Works and shows
Status: Live|Last updated:January 25, 2022 4:27 AM
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Book art can range from a simple zine to a unique altered book, a folded piece of handmade paper to a handcrafted and letterpress printed edition, and everything in between and beyond. Visual imagery may be generated through photography, illustration, graphic design, textile, and printmaking techniques and may feature poems, stories, and research. Students from all majors come together to learn how to make books in two classes offered by the Printmaking Program at CCA: Bookworks; and Papermaking and the Book. The exhibition highlighted selected book art created in classes taught by Alisa Golden and Rhiannon Alpers during the spring semester of 2017.

Creator(s): Coimbra, Paola; Espinoza, Mayra; Fong, Lisa; Espinoza, Samantha; Goggins, Zakiya; Gordon-Murer, Benny; Gulassa, Maya; Harris, Channah B.; Hernandez-Pfeffen, Ana Maria; Hiatt, Kristina; Hunt, Madison; Kahn, Brendon; Larson, Eliot; Lee, Angela; McVinney, Liza; Nadelsticher, Galia; Pino, Nick; Ren, Tracy; Richardson, Margo; Rojas-Meraz, Francisco; Thomas, ...
Status: Live|Last updated:April 23, 2018 10:41 AM
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BookWorks: Reinventing the Block exhibition documentation

The beauty of an edition is that it can be shared like a zine and distributed more easily to more people. Time is spent on designing one, then printing up and binding many. The goal was to design a book in an edition of 20 copies that could be reproduced easily. The content was open, but the books had to incorporate two lines of lietterpress printing and one of the vintage photoengravings from the CCA archive. These books are the result of that assignment and are the first letterpress printed projects made by the Bookworks students, Spring 2015.

Creator(s): Airo, Kelly; Da Silva, Nuielle De Medeiros; Frank, Talia; Guo, Xinyang; Sexton, John; Velez, Nyasziah; Tuyay, Malaya; Niedzielski, Samantha; Cho, Teresa; Hoechmann-Percival, Kim; Purviance, Edgar; Yat Ning Yau, Elaine; Kennard, Emeric; Golden, Alisa
Status: Live|Last updated:February 12, 2018 12:59 PM
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The Waiting Letter

Creator(s): Golden, Alisa J.
Status: Live|Last updated:May 19, 2016 11:59 AM
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The Waiting Letter

first person narrative in 4 parts: The Walking Part, The Standing Still Part, The Waiting Letter (in a sealed envelope), and The Going Away and Coming Back Part with text and a litho portrait

Creator(s): Golden, Alisa J.
Status: Live|Last updated:May 19, 2016 11:59 AM
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