Viola Frey 1965
Image of Graduate Divsion students in class from CCAC Bulletin, 1965
Article about CCAC Professor Harry Krell focusing on his acheivements at CCAC and beyond. Includes an image titled "Professor Harry Krell, the Alumni's Man of the Year, addressing the 1970 Founders Day audience in Canyon". Published in the CCAC REVIEW, Winter 1971 issue, p9.
CCAC students in class, 1973
Image of students on benches in front of the dorms from CCAC Bulletin, 1965
Students with a dog. Nancy Waldeman and Cathy Conness, in the patio between the Sculpture Building (Studio 3) and lockers, with a view toward the Southeast edge of campus, CCAC Oakland, 1962
students on lawn, some smoking
CCAC student at work in the Meyer Library, 1960s
Teacher with students on Macky lawn at the CCAC Oakland campus.