Critical Ethnic Studies Stands in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter, 2020, written by faculty of Critical Ethnic Studies with Rickey Vincent as the originating author and primary writer. This document touches on the history of constructs of race in the U.S., examines how these constructs of opression, particularly anti-Blackness, exist in 2020 as "we exist in an environment of “anti-Blackness” that inhibits our growth toward a truly inclusive and affirming community of human beings of equally infinite value" and call for recognition that "until Blacks are free from this oppression, and Black Lives Matter, no other lives will be free."
Black is a Color / I am Color Blind ©1989 Raymond Saunders and Josine Ianco-Starrels. Reproduced with Raymond Saunders permission, Grant of Permission on file.
Excerpts from CCAC Bulletin “Futures” catalog, designed by Michael Vanderbyl with photographs by Charly Franklin, 1982.
Writing exploring ideas about art, by Xavier Tizoc Martinez
Seven poems by Xavier Martinez, written between 1913 and 1925
Poster of CCA Ceramics' statement of commitment to open dialogue, free expression and social justice, poster, created by CCA Faculty Erik Scollon in 2017. Posted in the window of the Ceramics Studios after Trump became President and on display 2017-2022
Ceramics faculty Viola Frey and her ceramic sculpture figures in her garden, 1981. Photograph by M. Lee Fatheree
Announcement for the Barbara Shawcroft Fiber Sculpture exhibit at the Mills College Art Gallery, Nov. 15- Dec. 15, 1974