Painting by CCAC MFA student Philip Mason, published in the 1971-73 Catalog
Works by Masters of Fine Arts Candidate Nicole Aponte,were displayed along the concrete wall in the Simpson Library; shedding light on the role that research has in the life of an artist.
Weatherlore is a process of divination and exchange between human culture and environment, through which we attempt to predict the weather, and to decipher meaning from it in turn. Abstraction is another means of reciprocal exchange through which signs, symbols and materials conjure meaning and metaphor. My work captures the sightlines, spatial relationships, and color conjunctions where the land meets the sea. Through paper, cotton, and paint, I translate experiences of atmosphere and seascape into their most essential, distilled expression, creating formal objects that are embedded with fragments and traces of memory, as if sunwashed by time.
1985 Martinez Hall mural in progress, working on the linework.
The Califia Mural on the Martinez Hall mural wall, was completed over the summer of 2015 created by student muralists Laila Guadalupe Espinoza Faik, Jacqueline Krase, Steven James Mayorga, Martina Miguens Casado, Ángel Jesús Perez working with CCA Faculty Eduardo Pineda. The team of six students combined the Virgin of Guadalupe with the legendary goddess Califia – source for the name “California” – to create a goddess of creativity, justice, and nature.
Walking Stick mural on Martinez Hall, 2014. The Walking Stick mural was created in 2003 by Greg Dalton and Jonah Olson and was up on the CCA Oakland campus until 2015.
Mural by California School of Arts and Crafts student Lucy V. Pierce for Emerson School, Berkeley, California, 1912