A website created to document the new mural painted on Martinez Hall in 2015 by an ENGAGE class. From the website: "This mural and website grows out of what I considered a "call and response" mix of reactions, actions, thoughts, questions, and requests from the CCA community of students and faculty to crucial events happening in our world. The stories in these pages are my attempt to respond to some of those calls. The content on the pages here come from the mural itself. My work here has been to highlight the visual codes or symbols that this mural so abundantly offers to the viewers and offer a written translation for them."
Critical Ethnic Studies Stands in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter, 2020, written by faculty of Critical Ethnic Studies with Rickey Vincent as the originating author and primary writer. This document touches on the history of constructs of race in the U.S., examines how these constructs of opression, particularly anti-Blackness, exist in 2020 as "we exist in an environment of “anti-Blackness” that inhibits our growth toward a truly inclusive and affirming community of human beings of equally infinite value" and call for recognition that "until Blacks are free from this oppression, and Black Lives Matter, no other lives will be free."
Ye Ferret, student publication, vol.5 no.1 Sept 22, 1965
Mugwump, weekly student publication, V#5 3/16/1966
1968 CCAC alumnus Renny Renard, was interviewed by CCA alumna and Oakland Campus Legacy Committee member Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo on CCA's Oakland campus in the Carriage House at the alumni event 2019 Homecoming.